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Long Term Impact of Galipatia

Every year, the Galipatia community supports hundreds of engineering students by helping the freshmen adjust to college and allowing the upperclassmen to lead the community. Galipatia sets these students up for success not just in their undergraduate years, but also in their careers. Callie and Dan are both recent engineering graduates who exemplify how Galipatia positively impacts students.

Callie studied mechanical engineering and was a part of Hypatia for all her undergraduate years and currently works in the INVENTS lab. During her time in Galipatia, she served as a mentor and was a part of the first Galipatia Leadership Team. Dan studied aerospace engineering and was a part of Galipatia for 4 ½ years. During his time in Galipatia, he served as a mentor for first year students and as a Social Committee liaison.

Dan and Callie both agree that the greatest asset of Galipatia is the sense of community. Dan reflects on his time in Galipatia to remember how much he values the people he met. He really appreciates that there were upperclassmen who helped him by tutoring and passing on their advice. Dan credits the first year Galipatia classes for allowing him to recognize new interviewing and resume techniques. He says that constantly meeting like-minded people who had the same passion, but different perspectives helped him develop a friends group during his time in college, which has now turned into a professional network. Callie reflects and remembers all the fond memories of stepping outside of her dorm and instantly findings others to work and bond with. She also appreciates that Galipatia gave her an opportunity to lead and provide a support network for the students who came after her.

Callie is currently earning her PhD in mechanical engineering at Virginia Tech and Dan is working as a structures engineer for NAVAIR. We thank them for the time they spent developing the community and we wish them the best of luck with their future endeavors.

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